Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Since last blogging.. I quit the awful job I had... and have been out of work. :( been looking really hard for a job.
Have not had access to a computer like i did before my hard drive died.. and until I have money to fix it.. I just use my phone for facebook etc... :)
GOOD NEWS THOUGH - I got a house...l I should not have to ever move again I hope. My kids are so very happy to live next door to my parents.. and on the street I grew up on.
My brother is doing well.. thank you for the prayers!
Need prayers for my husband though - I won't go into details but just pray for him and us! :)
We made it to our anniversary OCT 3 - 1 yr .. I love him so much! He is an amazing man!
I have lost some bloggy friends I guess since I havent blogged much, but I do still read some of my favorites.
Monday, August 16, 2010
My brother is doing better - still praying he will get his life together now and not try to harm himself anymore ever.
We are moving yet again - (just moved in april) - but this should be the last time. I will finally get to own a house again! And hope that maybe one day my EX will get my name off that house he lives in. But finally I will not be renting and moving and moving and renting. Kids are super excited to move in next to Nan/Pawpaw and Aunt KK. I think it will be interesting living on the same street as my whole family again.
Job well - I put in my two week notice today (though I don't have a permanent job to go to). Praying GOD will provide, and I'm going to sub again this year unless one of the leads I have come through.
School starts next week and I can't believe my girls are going to 3rd grade andmy lil man is going to 1st. They were so excited when we found out their teachers and that they are all in the GT class! I was too cept that I know that means more homework and more projects lol.
Life is crazy, but I know GOD has a plan!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thank you
thank you again.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Pour Your Heart Out - Suicide Attempt
Well it's that day of the week that I love over at Shells
This is a seriously emotional post for me.
So I spoke about my baby brother last week, about me being worried about him, him getting his second dwi, etc.
Well I knew when I got told he went to jail a second time, I had a gut feeling something bad was coming. Never did I imagine what came.
Saturday night, hubby and I were hanging out with friends we got home from swimming about 2am ish. I decided to check my facebook before going to bed, as I do I run across a status posted by my brother, that basically said thank you to those that have been beside me and FU to those that havent see you on the other side. As i progress to read the comments/conversation that took place, he actually posts that the deed was about to be done, then the convo on fb stops.
So hear I am reading this, beginnign to panic, calling numbers and finding out that my brother has shot himself and is headed to the hospital. Never have I felt so sick, scared, pissed, angry, and every other emotion I can feel. I am trying to figure out who is going and what is going on.
Now finally the decision is reached by me - I am driving to Houston right now, and that is the longest hour 1/2 or so drive I think ever. I sat in the car shaking, and mentally trying to prepare myself for what I was going to have to face. (having had no details of where he shot himself or anything).
I get to the hospital and he had arove aboout 15 min before me in helicoptor and I had to wait to see him. When brought back in the ER I will never forget that first moment of looking at my baby brother. ( I will not go into details on here, but his face was not pretty, and blood was every where) this image will be in my head forever. Tears fell, body felt weak, I needed to sit, I needed to know he was going to live, something. Finally drs tell me it looks worse than it is... thank god. My brother opens his eyes and squeezed my hand, and i knew i had to hold it together. he was crying and couldnt breathe hardly. Had to keep him calm. Seeing my baby brother laying there like that has left me with unexpalinable feelings.
Up in ICU, he was thanking me, telling me he was sorry, and that he loved me. He had to have his face reconstructed, and he will be ok. We have such a long road to go, I just hope he realized how much help he needs and will take it. He is still in Houston and is doing better. I am still scared to death for him.
Although I may not have had much of a relationship with him, I love him so much and standing there not knowing if I was goign to lose him was awful for me.
I only hope one day he sees how much I love him, that everyone does, and we dont end up with an even worse phone call. I hope this wakes him up and he gets help.
I know my life is ever changed by this now, and I know God had me there for a reason.
God saved him for a reason, I will pray he sees it!
Thank you GOD for loving me, and giving me the strength to get through the last few days. and I pray my brother has the strength to get better and he doesn't continue down such a dark path.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
THe funniest thing ever
and while my husband, our friend, and I sit in the living room with our front door they wrapped our house and chalked our drive way...
they are 8 years old.. with three adults help of course lol
funniest thing ever :) pics coming soon
Friday, July 30, 2010
Fawk You Fridays - yay
Oh wow been awhile since I participated in this one.. but boy do I need to today!!
I think it is great!
So lets begin -
Fawk You - first off to my X you can read my previous post to know what he's up to lately. It's at the top of the ARE YOU F N KIDDING ME LIST
Fawk You - To the rain that has been going all week.
Fawk You - to the losers that don't follow through with what they say they are going to do.
Fawk You - to the clock that always seems to tick tock so slowy after lunch time on this day when I am ssoooooo ready to get off and start my weekend!
Everyone have a great weekend :)
Drop off the kids at my parents so my lil sister and her bff can babysit. My dad then asks if my brother called me at 2am... i was like Hell no.. why would he? well he went to jail again for DWI.. this is strike two and he just got off probation last month. Can we say DUMB.. well then what makes it worse is when my parents said they would not bail him out this time... he preceeds to yell and start an argument with dad (while standing in the police station)... about how my parents never do anything for him and he never asks for anything.. can we say BS. First off they have helped him pay bills, dr bills, probation, insurance,etc... all while he is always still asking for more. So this seems to be the road my brother has taken, and I dont get it. I thought after he finally divorced the two times older than him wife, he would get his life straight, but instead he found someone even older thanher and is living with her. Now mind u he is 25 she is older than my daddy!! WTF?
I am so worried bout him.. but can't help those that dont want to be helped, and I worry even more bout my daddy. He can't handle the stress anymore it effects his diabeties. But what do we do.. well nothing left to do and that is sad.
SO if this wasnt on my mind and bad enough, I have to go to the post office to pick up mail for Danny. We got one of those lil cards that said he had a certified letter to pick up. We have no clue what it could be coming from the city it came from.
Well to our SURPRISE.. its from the municipal court... and
MY STUPID EX HUSBAND is filing ASSUALT charges against MY HUSBAND!
now if danny had actually beat the hell out of him (like he would love to at times) these charges would be legit.. but they are such BS that is its ridicuoulus..
I mean who the hell does he think he is. Now if Danny had actually hit him then his charges would be legit. Danny kicked the fence that was between the two of them, after X ran his mouth.. (to much tell the whole story) but bottom line is THERE WAS NO ASSUALT and MY X is a Jerk! and now we have to go to court and deal with it all. UGH
HOw can someone be SO HATEFUL!!!
And make comments like there are consequenses for his actions.. and that he should never have been treated that way .. blah blah blah...
Some people never quit be hateful and trying to always be in control! There way or no way.. ugh.
Stupid.. just makes me want to scream... or as the song says I'll pray for you
Monday, July 19, 2010
monday minute! been awhile
Monday Minute with IAN.. have not particpated in awhile, but go a min in my rainy day here at work so I am this week :)
What's your real name?
Have you ever fabricated a story or anything on your blog?
NEVER! - my blog is all bout the reality I live in and feelings/thoughts I have
When in the car do you listen to the radio/CDs/iPod/etc?
it's either cds made at home.. or i love satallite radio.. so few comercials.. or if we have the ipod hooked up/charged then we get a wide range of songs... just depends on the day and where we are going
Describe the 'sexiest' item of clothing that you own
hmmm i really don't know anymore.. use to be some lingere but now i think i have a reason to go shopping lol
Would you be willing to breastfeed your friend's three year old child?
I don't think so... three years old and that kids should not still need the boob! Plus those teeth would freakin hurt!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday Follow
Hey Hey everyone! well its FRIDAY.. yipee!
and I am participating in Friday- Follow! I have not been joining lately since I have been so busy :( but I like to jump in when I can.
ALl of you new bloggers to my world.. I am Tabatha, wife to an amazing man, mom to my twin girls, my son, and a stepmom to my daughter and another son.. so we have 5 kids. LOADS OF FUN...never a dull moment.
This blog is for me to write about Anything and Everything that I want to, sometimes I am telling happy stories, or praising something/someone, sometimes I am just plain bitching to the blog world about anything that is bugging me.
I have come to love the blog world/friends for all their sweet and loving and helpful comments and advice. I love reading and making new friends with each of you!
SO I look forward to making more!
Have a fantastic weekend :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Pour Your Heart Out - SCARED - HARD TO POST
Oh HOw I've missed PYHO with SHELL
Ok so those of you that read my blog on a regular basis (or I'd like to think you do)).. would know a few things about me... 1) I'm a mom of three/five kids 2) I'm married for the 2nd time to an amazing man 3) I think I live on a rollercoaster at times 4) hate my x .. any ways you get the picture.. but see I know I've written a whole blog or two bout DANNY my husband, whom I met in Jan 09 and we married in Oct 09. So see we havent even been married a year... and I get so scared of losing him/us.
I LOVE HIM so MUCH! and I know he knows I do... but see sometimes I think the whole us happening so fast causes us problems too.
Right after we got married I got really depressed. It was one of those moments when I was SOOOO HAPPY in EVERY WAY with HIM and US... but was so depressed about my job/weight etc.. so I ended up pushing him away not even realizing it. And now that I know I did..(he reminds me).. I get scared of that getting in our way.
Though we still laugh, talk, play, and touch each other there is something different... but let me back up a lil again.. in April of this year we got into a HUGE fight.. I won't go into a lot of details, but he is so ANGRY (bout his ex and her moving off with his kids) he ended up takin that ANGER out on me... so in turn as I had comeout of being so depressed and was reaching back out to him he pushed me away.. in ways I never thought possible.
So now here we are both still in love with each other (we've talked about it in great detail)... and both want this marriage more than anything... but we feel like we are starting over and it sucks. We are still newly married and it shouldnt be like this and we know it. IT HURTS both of us.. All I seem to do is cry when we talk about it... like I feel it is MY FAULT.... when I know it is both of our fault.
I just get sooo scared.. because I never felt the way I do about him about anyone, not my exhusband not anyone I ever dated. I gave my whole heart to him, from the beginning and I can't imagine us not being together. (LET ME STATE THIS - WE ARE NOT EVEN THINKING BOUT NOT BEING TOGETHER) - i JUST get scared and needed to put this out on paper per say.
I want more than anything to be with him for the rest of my life, and I know he loves me too, I feel it and see it. I just have to figure out how we get over this hump and back to the US that we both LOVE/NEED/WANT.
anyways.. this was really hard for me to post, just because It's like puttin our crap out for the world to see, but I figured someone would say something back to me that helps me, encourages me, WAKES me up lol
Thanks everyone that sits and reads this!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
FOllow me Back Tuesday
Monday, July 12, 2010
Oh Boy -
SO just to catch up on some things.... in short.... LIFE IS CRAZZY
I used my quiet time away to do some thinking.... and let me just say sometimes I think too much, over analyze situations, people etc... but sometimes that thinking also makes me realize how naive I am. Ever have that happen....
I mean sometimes I think I take for granted things I shouldn't, people I shouldn't etc... but I guess we all do at times, but I also feel I am Takin for GRANTED by so many people, cuz I am always the GOOD FRIEND, no matter what they've done to me, I'm always there for them... sometimes that sucks.
I guess after doing a lot of thinking, I've noticed some things that NEED to change, ever just stop and take a look and realize thingshave to change, well thats where I am at. TIme to put me first, not over my kids or husband, but over everyone else. My husband, and kids are the most important people in my life, and seems they are the ones that sometimes get the short end of the stick at times.. never on purpose but seems they do. NOT ANYMORE... everyone else will just have to wait...
I have to get myself up out of this funk that Ive been in for months and months, that seems to look better then it turns out not to be... so hard to remember GOD has aplan for me, not me a plan for me.
When one door closes another opens up - right.... well we sure will see....
Have so much more to write bout.. but got to wait a bit...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
but just so all my readers know.. i miss you and i miss your blogs!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Twins are 8 - JENNA/JACEE
Friday, June 25, 2010
Good Enough - Or Not Good Enough
I know I am GOOD ENOUGH... but been replaying things in my head and it sucks.
Have you had the I'm not a good enough mom, wife, sister, friend, employee thought?
I sometimes get overwhelmed with the thoughts of I'm not good enough.. or not trying hard enough or whatever it may be.
I want to do everything in my power to be the best mom I can... but sometimes feel I let my kids down since me and their dad got divorced and oculdnt make it work. and now they are stuck in this pattern of back and forth, and I blame myself.
I want to be the best wife to Danny, I obviously screwed up somewhere along the way the first time... I don't want to this time. I want him to know I am here for him always no matter what.
When it comes to the not good enough friend...well OVERALL.. I'm the BEST DAMN friend my friends have.. I'm always the one they can come cry to, laugh with etc.. no matter what they may or may not have done for me or too me or whatever.. but i guess when i start feeling like the left our friend i start the not good enough mind frame.. ughhh but anyways...
Not good enough employee - well this one is probably what got me thinking so hard today... see for over a year now i've been lookng of a perm teaching job.. and after teaching for four years and subbing this last year you'd think I could get a job.. but beginning to think I must NOT BE GOOD ENOUGH - though every year my kids pass TAKS etc.. what am I doing wrong? What am I saying wrong in the interviews? I JUST DONT KNOW Anymore.. it makes me upset, tense, stressed, and just plain PISSED OFF that I can't seem to find a job. I know some of the problem is the last school I taught at (not the one i subbed at all this past year)... but the one I really was a contracted teacher at... the principal went on an ego power trip and seemed nothing I did was good enough :( and I ended up leaving that school.
So anyways here I am still trying to find where I fit in... I have such a love for students and learning yet I am stuck here not able to find a job, while peopel are getting hired on that do not even want to be teaching.. ugh
So GOOD ENOUGH or NOT GOOD ENOUGH... I know I am good enough in eveyone of the above places.. I just sometimes let things bother me soooo bad.. and then get upset over it all.
but hopefully I can just realize I AM GOOD ENOUGH!!! and NOONE can take that away from me!
thanks for reading everyone.. i just needed to get this off of me
Friday Follow me -
Its that time again... and its a great Blog hop... I love that they started it and now I have made so many more friends...
If your new here... well I am Tabatha and this is my blog... where I talk, bitch, cry, rave, praise, etc... about just about anything that I need to. SOmetimes good things come out of my head, and sometimes memories and other things.
I'd love to see ya hang around...
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Parents Photo Faves
Thanks you are all the best bloggy friends ever!
Parents Photo Faves
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
pour your heart out - DANNY edition :)
Oh one of my favorite days to write... Pour Your Heart Out Wednesdays!!!
There was a time not to long ago that I felt I would never find anyone that would want to be with me, or that would understand me, or love me the way I wanted to be loved. I had this image in my mind after getting divorced... who wants a 26 year old woman with not 1, not 2, but 3 kids... I figured in the end I would just settle for a guy that would be nice to my kids and not treat me like crap.
Yes, I have always wanted that FAIRY TALE.. though I have never felt like the princess... cuz if you ask my kids I am the QUEEN!!! and I just wanted my KING!!!
(funny story there.... my kids said the king died when I got divorced from thier daddy.. and that the twins are the princesses and e-man is the prince - and Only they can say who can be king) (they did allow danny to be king finally).. anyways back to my story... So my X always said there is no such thing as a fairy tale, and I shoudl quit living in my fairy tale world....and we wonder why we arent still together lol... but anyways so after my divorce from X... I went crazy for a bit.. I was the lil bird let out of the cage and was FREE. Though I did everything to take care of my kids... I needed to find me again! TOok a long time... still at times I think I am still trying to find me. I know I made so many mistakes along the way but I am not sure I'd really go back and erase most of them. If i could talk to my old self I might would say just think things through a lil better... ya know.
So not tooo long ago...January 3rd 2009 I met Danny... and boy did we hit off instantly! From that saturday night on we were together, or on the phone with each other. He was so easy to fall in love with... here is the first pic we took together .. with my cell phone lol...

but let me just say I was even happier on the day we got married... and now even today he is what makes me smile.... I love knowing I get to go home to him, and he wants to be there... we have fun doing everything and anything.. whether it be watching a movie at home, or driving around town, we laugh and play and that means more than he will ever know! He is truly amazing and I feel so blessed to have him. I love him more than words will ever say!
our engagement pic :)
then us on our wedding day - dancing to our song!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
then on top of everything i am still trying to find a teaching job, my twins birthday party is this weekend.... was trying to find them a trampoline with an enclosure that was priced decently... dealing with friend drama, exs drama... etc... my poor husband is so torn up bout his kids and stuff it hurts so much to watch him hurt.. just want to help him.
But I am PRAYING everyday that things start to calm down, and GOD puts me where I belong..
I just wanted to say I MISS MY FRIENDS on here.. and don't think I've ran away.. I am here and reading! just not getting as much time to post!
Faithfully your bloggy friend
Follow Me Back Tuesday
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday Follow
So hello everyone!!! It is that wonderful day of the week... FRIDAY!!!
This is my blog.. where I blog about everything from my kids... to my X... my hubby... work... etc.. and sometimes I just RANT away. But anyways I hope youll stick around! I enjoy reading all my fav blogs and making new blog friends.
So talk to ya soon!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Pour Your Heart Out - I dont Understand
I don't understand why so many schools say they need teachers, but I can't seem to get a phone call.
I don't understand why someone would call for a reference after you started the job already.
I don't understand why some people get so upset over something that they are willing to lose a friendship over something that really has NOTHING to do with them.
I don't understand why some people in particular can't grow up and take care of business.
I don't understand why some people are so Hung up on their selves they don't look around them and see who they are hurting.
I also don't understand why I always put my whole self into a friendship but at times don't feel like I am getting the same in return..when will I ever learn?
I don't understand why some people only call when they need something (family members)...
So anyways... just have a lot on my mind.. Hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday... I know even with my stuff.. I am so ready for the weekend!!! :) woohoo
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Follow Me Back Tuesday -
Well again I love making new friends!! so i Love this followme back!
I had to jump on and try to post this since here lately since I started my new job I dont have as much BLOG time :( but I do get on and I do follow back and comment on some of my FAV blogs..
so hope everyoen is having a fantastic TUESDAY :)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday Follow me -
Texas Country - Stoney Larue :) - Giddy!
Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
I am just in a great mood today!!!
So last night hubby took me to see the guy named Stoney Larue... GO CHECK HIM OUT!!! he is a Texas Country singer, not as famous as people like Pat Green or Kevin Fowler.. but I <3>almost every concert we've been to in the year and half we've been together I've gotten a tshirt :) .. spoiled maybe a little bit) ... but see we've seen Stoney before I just didn't push for a shirt lol.. so not only did hubby buy me a shirt... and a coosie... I was right up front! Well Stoney throws out his guitar picks... and these three young skinny chicks had already gotten one.. I wanted one so much... so luckily I reached out my hand... and he gave me one... SO at this point I am sooo super happy over this lil piece of plastic.. like he is some Tim Mcgraw or George Strait... (who i love also)... but still its the little things sometimes lol. But then afterwards he reaches out and touches bout three of us women's hands. So my hubby being the goof he is... says "so i guess your super worked up now...you got a pick and your boyfriend touched you..lol." and of course I am just as happy as a lil kid that just got a present. BUT then it got even better... I went back to the back of the club and he was back there at his table with all his stuff for sale... and he signed my coosie and I got a HUG!!!
Silly I know.. but hey when your a fan your a fan ... RIGHT!!! and I am a FAN! and feel like a GOOB today about it lol... so anyways I just wanted to share.. and you should all go check him out!!! He has got some really great songs!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I won!!!
Thanks Sarah! you made my afternoon :)
Pour Your Heart Out - Wish I could make it ok
one of my favoirte memes to participate in.
So this week I want to talk about something that is affecting my husband, Danny.
See his ex has moved two and half almost three hours away from where we live as of last weekend, and he is so upset and distraught over it. Danny is a great daddy to his two kids, he drives the 45 min every week to see them either on wed or thur.. and then we get them every other weekend, and sometimes even more than that..like last weekend we took his daughter with us to state tourney for my girls.... He does everything he can for them, cept when she makes it so difficult.
This is the first week that he does not get to go see his kids this week, and then she is keeping them this weekend. He did not sleep at all last night, to the point of leaving bed and sleeping on the couch.
What makes it worse is since I did not have a perm teaching job this year, I am not off all summer and had to find a summer job (so we could pay bills) ...which means how can he get his kids for the summer like he is able to do. Daycare is so expensive in the summer time, and we dont have anyone really to watch them. Mine go to daycare but that is the one thing my ex is required to pay for. So I don't know what to do to help him through this .. HE knew it was coming, though I know that don't make it easier.
I just want to yell at his ex for takin his kids away... ( 2 1/2 hours is not far but it is at times when you have to get them on fri and return them on sunday)... she has been so selfish about it and everything else... never sends enough stuff for the kids etc...
aggravating..cant understand why some women are like that.
But anyways I just hate seeing him so torn up. I love him so much and I know he loves his kids and mine. Just wish I could help him.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Follow Me Back Tuesdays!!! :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
In Case You missed ME..
BUt if you miss me this week its cuz I will be starting a NEW JOB... least a temp one hopefully...
but will try to get on so I can keep up! Just don't forget about me :) lol
Talk to everyone soon!! :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Pour Your Heart OUT! - kinda long
This is probably one of my favorite days of the week... and its all thanks to SHELL.
So anyways you have all already read stuff bout my wonderful EX (insert sarcasm here)! but he still gets my blood boiling... and ugh I have to vent again...
So here is the story.. He thinks he is the WORLDS BEST DADDY... yet my kids would rather stay with me and see him on weekends only instead of the week to week thing we do. But see here is the problem.. he can't stand to think someone else is doing more than him.. though DANNY does way more for my kids than X does. He is coachin my girls softball team, he gets them things they want/need, (as stupid as letting them pick out a $1 book in the scholastic book thing) their daddy NEVER lets them order out of.. I know that may not be important but still to the kids those lil things matter. that is just one example of MANY...
Well Friday ... we all had it out.. I asked X for some money for the girls' ALL STAR stuff.. and of course that turned into a fight. That turned into a bigger argument where he basically tells me how crappy a mom I am and to get off my butt and do something for my kids, and quit letting DANNY step in and take care of MY kids... I have been workin all year subbing instead of a perm job.. so not making the money I was last year.. things have been tough.. but I NEVER ask money from him. He preceeds to call my husband and idiot and many other things. I am always going out of my way (Because they are MY KIDS).. to pick them up or do whatever when he calls.. well as of friday I said NO MORE. am I wrong for that?
For over a year and half I have sent two suitcases of clothes every week to his house.. makin sure they always have what they need (he will even call me and ask for things if they are not in the bag) let me insert here also.. we only live bout 10-15 min apart... side by side cities. So I told him starting this next week I was not going to send ANYTHING he could go but stuff and make sure they had clothes to wear. NOw also let me say this.. I get NO child support or anything from him.. we have shared custody where they stay with me from FRI to FRI and then him till the next Fri. So everything is suppose to be 50/50 basically but it is NOT!
I will not say he does NOTHING for the kids but he doesnt go out of the way to help with them or do much extra.
SO during the fight over the phone between me, X & Danny... danny let him know he willno longer put up with him putting me down and making me feel like crap.. that he should respect me as his kids mom.. and Danny will not deal with him treating me like shit anymore now that I am married to him. Wasnt pretty at all. My X is one of those everything is either BLACK or WHITE.. NO inbetween areas.. his way usually or its not right.
SO anyways now that friday is almost here, I wonder am I wrong for wanting to send the kids with basically only one outfit a piece plus what they wear that day? Do i contnue to let him have his way and never do anything More?
SORRY this was so long everyone... if you made it this far.. thanks for reading.. Just needed to get some of that off my chest!
Yall are awesome friends!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Trendy Love to Pass around
I just recieved another award.. from my dear friend Tricia at Lemons to Lemonade. So Thank you Honey!!!
Here is how this award works:
•To receive this award, promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
•Post about your award in your blog.
•List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs.
•Share with them.
•Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button.
•Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.
So lets see who my 10 will be... I find so many blogs Trendy - and make sure I read so many of them daily :)
Cindi @ Little Yaya's
Shannon @ Faith - Hope - Love
Helene @ I'm Living Proof
SamiJoe @ Peek Thru Our Window
Heather @ View from the shoe
Ok I did six... got to save some of it for later :) when I have lil more time!
But I love reading your blogs along with so so many others.. that have gotten this award already from other bloggy friends!
Thanks again Tricia.. made my Tuesday morning start off great :)
Follow Me Back Tuesday - #4
Friday, May 28, 2010
Welcome to the very first NEW Friday Follow hosted by Tami at Hearts Make Families, Harriet at Harriet and Friends, and Ian at The Daily Dose of Reality! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to find many interesting blogs that you like. This is all about sharing and having fun.A few housekeeping issues: We are looking for hosts for later dates. We have decided that three hosts is a good number for each blog hop. As usual, the top slots will be reserved for the hosts so they will get a lot more attention to their blogs. Another great benefit is that each host will have the opportunity to showcase their work the week after they host on Friday-Follow.com.We expect you to be on your honor and to have fun. These are only guidelines to make it more enjoyable for you. Here’s how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
Link up your blog name and URL using the McLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.
Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.
Follow Friday-Follow.com so you can see the current things going on. If you haven't check out the website yet, please do so.
Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you’d like.
Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you’re from Friday Follow. As always, we are trying to improve the Friday Follow so here are a couple of rules to make the experience even better for you:
Only one linky per blog. We do have a giveaway tab that you can include your giveaways on.
Please try to keep your post current so that people can see your showcased work.
Follow someone back if they follow you – this is common courtesy.
No xxrated blogs.
No spammers. This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.
Three (3) Friday Followers of the Week!!
Each week we will randomly draw from three (3) blogs from the links for the next week’s Friday Follow, and each blog chosen will be placed in the highly coveted number #7, #8, and #9 position on the blog hop. The first blog chosen will also be given the option of doing an interview which will post on Friday-Follow.com on Thursday the next week. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!
Spread the word about Friday Follow by grabbing our button for your blog and come celebrate again every Friday. Feel free to also send out a tweet, blog, stumble or share the news in your own special way!
Guess what for joining the Friday Follow today – One lucky participant will win a T-Shirt!!! Courtesy of CafePress in honor of Father’s Day!!Did you know that you can find amazing personalized gifts you can customize – all at CafePress? Please check them out on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are interested in being a host or sponsoring a blog hop for Friday Follow, feel free to contact any one of your hostesses using admin@friday-follow.com.Thank you for joining us. Have fun!Happy Jumping!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
OMG - 100 followers

Her name is Veronica... she is a smart young lady!
She got pregnant her junior year and missed most of the year. But still graduated in the top of her class while being a New mommy. We all know how hard that is all by itself.
She is a sweet girl, and I love her as if she were my own. Teaching her while she was in 8th grade we became close, she was going through some things and would come tome to talk. Her mom and her were close but not close like they needed to be. There were times her mom tried to be more of her friend than her mom, and so therefore V got away with just bout anything she wanted. I was the one she listened to for some reason. I have become so close with her whole family and they all know she calls me mommy and they are ok with it. I love her and her baby girl Natalie.
Natalie calls me TATA and I love it!
So on top of her I am so proud of the whole graduating class of 2010. and can't wait to see them walk tonight! I've had so many of them message me asking if I was going to make it to graduation! and I am really excited to watch them! and of course get pictures (which i will post later).
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Follow Me Back Tuesday - week 3
Monday, May 24, 2010
Where does the Time Go?
See my babies all go to the same school... the girls are in second grade and my lil man is in Kindergarten, he will graduate friday. As i dropped them off I got sad, because since the first day of school they have all gotten out of the car and stayed together, but not here in the last week or so, and maybe I just finally really paid attention. My Ethan went one way, towards the gym, and the girls went their way towards the library or cafeteria. I realized then how much of a BIG boy he was, and boy did I get upset on my way to work. Seems to be a lot here lately, they all are getting so BIG! makes me sad, but also makes me happy!
Time just goes by so fast, I mean look its already almost June of 2010.
sometimes I'd just like a pause button for certain moments of time!
MOnday Minute - Ducky Style
1. - Do you *snort*?
Yes when i get to laughing super super hard...
. 2 - Our friend, has a nickname and it's Daffy. What's your nickname?
Well here lately I have been called a phrase - THE BEST TEAM MOM EVER.. and i know to those reading it it may not make sense.. but see short explaination... being team mom for softball for one of my friends who is the coach.. well his wife and his other guy bestfriends wife have both been team mom for him.. but one night he was talkin to both his wife and guy friend and said TAB , it THE BEST TEAM MOM IVE EVER HAD.. can we say insert foot into mouth.. lol it may not seem funny but it is hilarious to all of us.. Ive also been called TAB. tabby cat, etc
. 3 - Do you know sign language?
i know a little... beside the bird :)
4. What's a sample convo from your hood?
after reading this.. i know i could fill pages up of convos from the hood.. after teaching in the hood for three years.. lol too many go through my head for this blog lol
5. Do you sleep with electronic devices - i.e. laptop, Blackberry, iPhone, etc?
my phone is beside my bed... it is my three alarm clocks lol
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wanna LIVE Vicariously Thru You!
Mission MOnkey
Click on monkey to donate...please help!
Hello blog-world! I am participating in what's known around the world as Mission Monkey day! What is Mission Monkey you ask? Well, there's this blogger friend of ours known as Pixie Momma, aka Michelle. Michelle has a little girl, or Monkey as she's known by who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. To learn more about it, click here. Monkey is a sweet little 16 month old girl. She doesn't deserve this. Nobody deserves this.
But the good news is that Monkey only has Stage 1 (low risk). The bad news is the medical bills are mounting and the Physical Therapy (starts today) isn't covered by insurance. Michelle is using the donated money to offset medical bills. She will donate and unused portion to another family dealing with the same issue.
This is why the blogging universe is banning together like never before to rally around Michelle and Monkey to provide support. In addition to further entice you to lend your hand, and donate to the cause, we have over 50 items that have been donated. Many bloggers are hosting these fabulous giveaways and all you need to win one of these items is just one raffle ticket.
Donation pages:
Princess of Sarcasm - http://bit.ly/9nUmBp
The One and Only Oka - http://bit.ly/9KZSOG
SupahMommy - http://bit.ly/bSMrGw
Jenn B Says #1 - http://bit.ly/bYzHAH
Jenn B Says #2 - http://bit.ly/bej01D
Amber - http://bit.ly/cTGq29
Two Little Monkeys - http://bit.ly/cZKjzK
Mommy's Nest - http://bit.ly/9tLjoy
Chief's Hiding From the Kids - http://bit.ly/cfKIiO
Jenny - http://bit.ly/dftIS2
Jana - http://bit.ly/aUKVjM
You may donate any amount of money via PayPal as it's linked directly to Michelle's bank account. However, in order to be a part of the raffle, this is how that's going to go. If you donate the following, you get the subsequent number of entries:
$10 - 2 entries
$20 - 5 entries
$30 - 10 entries
$40 - 15 entries
$50 - 20 entries
$75 - 35 entries
$100 - 50 entries
$200 - 125 entries
The raffles for each item will start on or around July 1st.
Blog hop #2
Welcome to the second edition of Blog Hop Friday, hosted by My New Life As Mom, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Take A Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our Life and Belly Charms! We invite you and your friends to link up every Friday and join us for a wonderful blog hopping adventure! We're all about making friends and having fun so come join us! Here's how you can join in on the fun;
Link up to your blog, using our inlinkz link list, below.
Follow the host/hostesses located in the first 6 slots.
Follow any other blogs that you feel appropriate! :)
Add the Blog Hop Friday button to your sidebar.
When following a new blog, please remember to leave a little personal comment love.
If you get a new follower, please feel free to reciprocate the love.
So go make a friends!
Fawk You #2 -
SO let me say this
Fawk you .... to all the issues that have me stressed.
Fawk you .... to the sunshine that comes out on the days I have to work, but not on the days I'm off.
Fawk you .... to all the papers I need to grade to finish grades.
Fawk you .... to the people that have been so rude/disrespectful lately.
Well anyways I'm sure there are many more but I'm trying to stay in a GOOD mood today!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Slowly But Surely!!!
So anyways been super busy and have not gotten to do my TYVM's today :( maybe I'll get to do them later.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Pour Your Heart Out - Lack of Summer for ME
It's that time again... the wednesday meme over at Shells which I just LOVE... and because we can talk about ANYTHING its why I love it!
Lets talk about my summer vacation...
Oh or wait the lack of one for the first time in FIVE years.
I have been a teacher for five years (including this one), but this year I have just been a sub. I quit the permanent job I had for the last three. (another story in itself). So for the first time in
Five years I have to actually find a job and work for the summer, while still praying I find a permanent teaching job for next school year.
Can we say DEPRESSSED about it.. YES! I have so LOVED getting to be with my Kids and do things with them. and now they will be at day care all day long (yes getting to do lots of fun things and go places), but still.
Guess I will try to fill the few weekends of the summer up with things we can do, On the weekends I actually have them :(
Sad Sad Sad... :(
But on a happier note.. we only have like 11 days of school left! :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Follow Me Back Tuesdays..
Boobies, Babies, & a Blog or the others that have started this and link up to Follow Me Back Tuesdays.
You know ya wanna make more bloggy friends.. I know I do :)
My second award - SUNSHINE AWARD
The Sunshine award given to my by Tricia ... which is the award for bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blog world. Thanks Tricia.. makes me feel good to know something I am writing is being read and taken in by someone. :)
The rules for accepting these award:
Nominate 12 other bloggers.
List the award in either a post or on your sidebar.
Link your nominees within your post.
Let the nominees know you have passed this on to them by commenting on their blog.
The 12 Bloggers I would like nominate for this award are:
1. boobies, Babies, & a blog
2. Shell @ Things I can't say
3. Vandy @ The Testosterone Three & Me
4.mass hole mommy
5.Tylaine @ Just me.
7.megan @ all a bunch of momsense
Ill stop at 7 and anyone else that wants to share this award ... FEEL FREE :)
Monday, May 17, 2010

So I'm hooking up and joining a meme over at MommyBrain and I'm going to tell you all about me using NUMBERS...
29 - years old
1 year 4 months - since I met the love of my life
7 months of being married to him
3 - kids that I birthed
2 - kids that have come to me by marriage
1- adopted kids that I love as if she were my own
1- baby that belongs to the adopted kid that I love even more lol
312 - my angel number i believe... it appears everywhere and i always seem to spot it and maybe the connection there is my birthday
312-123 special number between me and my best friend
5 years of teaching
4 moves in the last 3 years - maybe i am finally in a house that will last awhile
1 brother 1 half sister 1 half brother and 1 adopted brother (not really but he might as well be)
7656 emails waiting to be opened (yes most of them are TRASH)
13 days of school left - then my baby will be in 1st grade and my girls will be in 3rd
650 something friends on facebook
13 hours per week the last few weeks of hours sitting at softball practice
ok i'm sure there are SO M ANY more numbers I can add, but I'll quit boring ya .. lol
Monkey Minute - Monday Minute

MONKEY MINUTE over at IANS .... and the questions of the week are...
Have you ever peed in the shower/bath/pool?
It is gross... but I'm sure we all have at some point in our life. As kids we enver wnat to get out of the pool to go pee..lol
.What is your biggest pet peeve? Liars, Cheaters, and Slackers.... and a combination of all three is the worse!
What's the story behind your blog title? I am one to Express myself through writing when I am upset usually more than anything, but I am loving blogging and expressing myelf about anything that is goin on in my life, and getting others opinions
What is your definition of success? When you have reached the goals you have set for yourself.. it may not be success in others eyes, but hopefully it is in your own.
If you were famous, what would you want to be famous for? Writing! or even being the best teacher and touching so many lifes.... and of course being the BEST mom,wife, best friends, etc..
So now go hook up and have fun!
Friday, May 14, 2010
for my girls softball team - first tourney to practice for state ....
Another New Blog Hop :)
Welcome to the first, ever, edition of Blog Hop Friday, hosted by My New Life As Mom, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Take A Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our Life and Belly Charms! We invite you and your friends to link up every Friday and join us for a wonderful blog hopping adventure! We're all about making friends and having fun so come join us! Here's how you can join in on the fun;
Link up to your blog, using our inlinkz link list, below.
Follow the host/hostesses located in the first 6 slots.
Follow any other blogs that you feel appropriate! :)
Add the Blog Hop Friday button to your sidebar.
When following a new blog, please remember to leave a little personal comment love.
If you get a new follower, please feel free to reciprocate the love.
and I am going to do this one... maybe I'll make a lot of new friends today :)
So again.. I LOVE TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS... SO Welcome, and can't wait to hear from you. Have a great day!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Call for Help - ya know ya wanna :)
I really really want a button and an awesome header like everyone has!! But I don't know how to make it or have the time. :( and i see soooo many fantastic buttons on everyones pages... and wanna be a button collector too!! Someone I know wants to help me right...?
I know you cant turn down this sweet face... lol!
Well this is my call of help.. lol
Everyone have a great Thursday Night! I of course get to have softball practice again, then Dinner with the HUBBY!!
My First Award and boy is it a GOOD ONE! :)

Then I wouldn't mind being around the sexy Vin Diesel
Then of course I would need some vampire love ...
Then last but not least... I could use some serious time with.... Matthew McConaughey
And Now I want to know what these womens choices would be... So I am hitting you with this award
1 Shell over at Things I can not say
2. ali over at Mommie Life
3. Michelle at Mommy Loves Stilettos
4. purseblogger
5. Tylaine at Just me
TYVM - Thursdays
So here it goes...
- Thank you very much computer/internet for not letting me put the button on my page for TYVM!
- Thank you very much air conditioner for going out on us!!
- and while I'm at that TYVM a/c people for not being able to fix it for 5-6 days! REALLY SERIOUSLY
- Thank you very much window units for at least cooling the house off enough to sleep!
- Thank you very much weather for being nasty on Sunday (mother's day) when I wanted it to be hot and pretty and instead you were hot and pretty on Monday when I had to be at work.
- Thank you very much to my daughters for making ALLSTARS and forcing us to be at allstar practice everynight from 530-7 or 730... seems it has taken over our lives lol but I do love it!
- Thank you very much to the job I interviewed for and then they waited to the last minute to email me and say they gave it to someone from within!
So anyways as usual these are the ones that stand out the most right now. lol
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
PYHO - Reality vs Fairy Tale
Topic for today.... Reality vs Fairy Tale
As a little girl we all or at leastmost of us wanted that whole FAIRY TALE romance... even tomboyish lil me wanted it. Now of coursemost of us don't really ever have the perfect fairy tale.. but I'd like to think I at least found my perfect Prince. But really todays reality vs fairy tale is not about me it's about some other people I know.
So two friends of mine and hubbys have hooked up and decided to "date"... so your thinking oh thats cool no big deal right... WRONG... the reason it has become a big deal, within the last three weeks of them getting together... they have become Not so great friends... hurting those that were their friends first.
Reality of it is - She was hurt very very bad many many times over and just got out of an on/off relationship of two years (whom she really wanted to be with)
He got out of a 15 year marriage about a year ago.
Now I will be the first one to say I am not knockin instant connections or love or whatever.. (HUBBY AND I FELL HARD AND FAST, BUT I'D ALREADY BEEN AWAY FROM MY EX FOR OVER TWO YEARS AND WAS OVER HIM WAY BEFORE WE FINALLY GOT THE OFFICIAL DIVORCE).. But see danny and I have been around these two for awhile now and all of a sudden their whole personalities have changed.
When the four of us hang out.. danny and i feel very uncomfortable like we really are not wanted there, even though weeks before the four of us could hang out and have a great time.
So Reality of the guy friend is this - danny texted guy friend and said we shouldn't hang out anymore, needless to say guy friend is clueless about why... oh why cuz he has his head soooo FAR up girl friends butt he can't see that he has been hurting danny. His first response wasn't "well why danny whats going on?" it was "why can't you just be happy I'm happy with her etc... ".can we see where this is going? Prior ties not straight or what?!
Fairy tale is this - guy is... BLINDED by "LOVE"
Back to reality of the girl friend - so yea she was basically living at mine and danny's house for three weeks, doing just bout everything with us.. still hung up on ex boyfriend to the point of saying all kinds of hurtful things to me (OK TIME TO FILL YOU IN JUST A LIL BIT ... her exboyfriend was my EX HUSBAND the X i talk bout on here. yes weird I know but...our kids are best friends). So back the story... the past two weeks even she has been blowing me off for him...
Hate the onesided friendship thing.. hate that danny and I were good enough for the two of them to hang out with till they basically found something better. We dont care if they date.. we just wanted our friendship intact.
Fairytale again - guy friend is on a mission to basically in my mind "buy" this girl friends love.. by takin her to do all the things she never has, anything she mentions that shelikes or would like he goes overboard to have done... Now this may seem sweet and all but in REALITY this is not the guy friend we know...we've tried talkin to her bout it but they both think we are just being ANTI - THEM.
UNLESS ANYONE HAS ANY OTHER ADVICE FOR ME/US. There is probably so much more of this story I left out.. and it may seem all broken and jumbled but... it's just really bugging me and hubby how we've been treated and are still being treated in some ways.. I'm sure this is just post 1 about it all .. lol thanks again for reading my drama as i pour my heart out again!
BLOG FRIENDS ARE THE BEST.. and I'm so glad I've made some!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
TwinHAppy Tuesday hop

the TwinTuesday QOTW is:
Finish this line: You know you're no longer a NEW Twin Mom when...