Friday, July 30, 2010

Fawk You Fridays - yay

BWS tips button

Oh wow been awhile since I participated in this one.. but boy do I need to today!!
I think it is great!

So lets begin -

Fawk You - first off to my X you can read my previous post to know what he's up to lately. It's at the top of the ARE YOU F N KIDDING ME LIST
Fawk You - To the rain that has been going all week.
Fawk You - to the losers that don't follow through with what they say they are going to do.
Fawk You - to the clock that always seems to tick tock so slowy after lunch time on this day when I am ssoooooo ready to get off and start my weekend!

Everyone have a great weekend :)


  1. Let it out girl!
    Uh i just read your previous post about your X- that sucks! I hope you get through it soon!
    Have a good Friday!

  2. Going to have to jump back and read all about by x sitch....doesn't sound good fawk him! :)

    On another note--we NEED rain here...send it my way!

    Thanks for linking up love!

  3. Hope your weekend gets better!
