Thursday, July 1, 2010


have one of those days... where nothing seems to go right and you want to SCREAM... well that is my week.. not day lol... and I guess i've been a bad blogger here lately and I miss getting to read everyones stuff and write my own... :( so hopefully soon I'll be better...
but just so all my readers know.. i miss you and i miss your blogs!


  1. We miss you too. Love the stories and can't wait for you to get back. There's something missing in my day.

  2. Yes. Yes. And yes. We just got back from vacation with my parents and my son was getting constant attention from either us or them. Now that we are back home and trying to get back into our normal routine, he's awful!!! I had a complete angel for a week and someone took him!

    Right there with you!

  3. Yes! Definitely yes! Hope you have a great weekend and a much better week.

    I have tagged you.
